
HomeShopMobility ScootersPheonix 8mph Mobility Scooter

Pheonix 8mph Mobility Scooter

Fast and compact Class 3 8mph mobility scooter


The Pheonix is a fast and stylish 8mph scooter. With a compact size of only 630mm in width and 1220mm in length, the Phoenix easily negotiates crowded pavements and narrow entrances.

With its fully adjustable captain seat and full front and rear suspension the Phoenix ensures a smooth ride even over the bumpiest of pavements. The large 50Ah batteries ensure complete peace of mind for those long journeys, and the powerful motor and drive system makes light-work of steep hills. The unique ‘safety cornering’ system automatically slows the scooter when cornering, combing comfort with safety.

Key Features: 

  • Fast and stylish compact 8 mph scooter
  • Full front and rear suspension giving a really comfortable ride
  • Compact size allows for safe driving in ‘space-restricted’ areas
  • Superbly manoeuvrable with exceptional tight turning ability
  • Cornering safety device for safer travel
  • Long lasting 50ah capacity batteries allows for extensive travel distances
  • Comfortable and fully adjustable captain seat
  • Pneumatic soft ride or solid puncture proof tyre options.
  • Fully equipped with road compliant LED lighting kit.


Model Phoenix
Speed 8 mph
Battery Type AGM
Battery Size 50Ah
Travel Distance (Max) 25 miles
User Weight 21st. (136kg)
Total Weight (Inc battery) 101kg
Overall Length 1220mm (48in.)
Overall Width 630mm (24.7in.)
Overall Height 1160mm (46in.)
Seat Type Adjustable Captain
Seat Width 460mm
Seat Height 400-450mm
Tyre Size 290mm (11in.)
Tyre Type Pneumatic/Puncture Proof
Suspension Yes
Lighting LED Front & Rear
Charger 5 Amp
Tiller Charging Port Yes
Ground Clearance 100mm
Climbing Gradient 10 Degrees
Turning Radius 1490mm